VET & Culture workshop / Tagung 13.-15.06.2022

From 13th to 15th of June researchers on Adult Education and Vocational Education meet in Rostock.

The network “VET & Culture” unites researchers in the fields of VET and and adult education since 1993 from many different countries. In this summer they will meet at the University of Rostock to discuss “Current challenges and hegemonic discourses on Vocational and adult education”.

After more than two years of global COVID-19 pandemic and in peaceless times in Europe and times of global warming it will be the first meeting in presence.

The aim is to discuss:

  • How far the current hegemonic discourses in adult and vocational education are promoting or contradicting attempts to find new solutions for economy, industry and civic life?
  • How are policymakers, practitioners and researchers in adult and vocational education able to react to current challenges?
  • Would the attempt to find new ways of work and life, require joint critical analysis of the hegemonic discourses and their local varieties?
  • What are the reactions in the institutions of vocational and adult education on these ongoing changes?
  • How to act against the realities of precarisation, inequality and individualisation in all areas of life, isolation and erosion of social networks, care and support?

The mission of VET & Culture network has been to provide space for critical and historicizing debate on contemporary political, practical and research discourses, including self-critical questioning of their own responsibility. The ambition is to create an atmosphere for collective and cooperative knowledge creation, free from competition and individual career aspirations.

The meeting includes visits and talks at local institutions, a boat trip to the harbour and some insights in the history of the city Rostock.


You can download the program >here<.


Insights into the abstracts of the meeting.

Organisers:        Franz Kaiser, Claudia Kalisch, Melanie Hoppe (Rostock, Germany)
Anja Heikkinen (Tampere, Finland)
Fernando Marhuenda (Valencia, Spain)
Gabriele Molzberger (Wuppertal, Germany)


For registration please click  >here<.