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Universitätsbibliothek (UB)
Universitätsbibliothek: Fachinformationsseiten für die Fächer der PHF
Seiten der PHF
Institut für Berufspädagogik
Übersichtsseite: Studieren am Institut für Berufspädagogik
Berufspädagogik – Lehramt an beruflichen Schulen
Bachelor Berufspädagogik (B.Ed.) – konsekutiv
Master Berufspädagogik (M.Ed.) – konsekutiv
Master Berufspädagogik Gesundheit/ Soziales (M.Ed.) - konsekutiv
Master Berufspädagogik (M.Ed.) – nicht konsekutiv
Beratung und Hilfe
Beratung für chronisch kranke und behinderte Studierende
Prüfungsamt BA / MA
Allgemeine Studienberatung
Kurse des Sprachenzentrums
Übersicht Studiumsrelevanter Online-Portale
nützliche Links
Lehre/ Praktika/ Prüfungen
Aktuelle Lehre
Hilfe bei Überschneidungen von Lehrveranstaltungen
Regeln wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens
Stud.IP Kurs Berufspädagogik
Übersichtsseite: das Team des Instituts für Berufspädagogik
Prof. Dr. Franz Kaiser
Prof. Dr. Tamara Riehle
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter*innen
Denise Bruch
Jörg Friese
Karsten Herzog
Berivan Isik
Dr. Claudia Kalisch
Anne Kluge
Julia Laß
Cathleen Larisch
Lisa-Marie Pilz
Tobias Prill
Dr. Anne Traum
Regina Trittin
Esther Zimmermann
Sophia Heller
Studentische und Wissenschaftliche Hilfskräfte
Studentische und Wissenschaftliche Hilfskräfte
Ehemalige Mitarbeiter*innen
Lehrbeauftragte am Institut
News/ Publikationen
News/ Publikationen
VET&Culture Registration
Registration - VET & Culture Conference
VET & Culture Conference Registration
I take part at:
Monday - 13th June 2022
13th June 2022: Conference (12:00 am - 4:00 pm)
13th June 2022: Dinner (self payment) (planned in Warnemünde) (6:00 pm)
Tuesday - 14th June 2022
14th June 2022: Conference (9:00 am - 3:30 pm)
14th June 2022: Guided City Tour (4:00 pm)
14th June 2022: Dinner (self payment) (7:00 pm)
Wednesday - 15th June 2022
Visiting Training Premises (10:00 am - 12:00 am)
Please choose ONE of the following 4 options:
Visit Liebherr - maritime crane and handling technology academy
The state-recognized academy has 8,000 m² of training space and provides initial training in metalworking professions to ensure the company's own next generation of skilled workers and ensures the continuing education and training of Liebherr employees at its own site and at other Liebherr companies. In addition, the employees take care of the integration of job seekers with education vouchers and train skilled workers for other industrial companies in the region. Practical experience is of particular importance at the Liebherr Academy Rostock: whether in welder training under production-like conditions, the programming of CNC-controlled machine tools, or the simulation of complex production processes. The training center is based on the high-performance training and further education program of Liebherr-MCCtec Rostock GmbH, which manufactures many of the world's largest maritime handling equipment in the Rostock overseas port. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eswc8mKEZ2U ; Website: https://www.liebherr.com/en/deu/start/start-page.htm
Berufliche Schule Gewerbe und Dienstleistungen
Visit the Berufliche Schule Gewerbe und Dienstleistungen
The vocational school "Service and Trade" has its main location in the district of Dierkow, in the northeast of the Hanseatic and university city of Rostock. In the newly renovated buildings located there, the school offers a diverse range of vocational training and continuing education in various fields. This includes vocational preparation, vocational school with training in craft and gastronomic professions as well as helper and worker training. Various specialized rooms support a realistic and practice-oriented education.
Website: https://bs-dug-rostock.de/
Visit the Produktionsschule
The HANSE PRODUKTIONSSCHULE is an offer of the association "Jugendhilfe Stadt und Land e.V." and addresses the integration mission for young people under 25 years as an institution of youth vocational assistance. The work and education takes place according to the Danish model of productive learning in workshops under company-like conditions.
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xY2jRWYLU44
Website: https://www.jh-stadtundlandev.de/
Führung Stasi-Gedenkstätte
Guided tour: Stasi-Gedenkstätte (limited to 15 people)
The pre-trial detention center of the Ministry for State Security (MfS) in the Rostock district was built in the late 1950s. In 1960 the first prisoners were placed in pre-trial detention. Until 1989 the State Security imprisoned around 4,900 men and women there, mainly for political reasons. These included, for example, the criminal offenses of "incitement to hatred," "making anti-state connections" and increasingly "attempted Republikflucht". Website: https://www.lpb-mv.de/projekte/dug-rostock/
Wednesday - 15th June 2022
15th June 2022: Conference (1:00 pm - 4:00 pm)
15th June 2022: Boat Trip with Dinner (costs: 30 €; 6:00 pm at city harbour)
*mandatory information
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